MARCH 19, 2009: Bye Bye Birdie

When the swallows come back to Capistrano/ That’s the day I pray that you’ll come back  to me.

And the day is today, St. Josephs Day, although St. Joseph has nothing to do with swallows. But more of that later.

Like feathered clockwork, cliff swallows year after year migrated from Goya, Argentina, to the Mission San Juan Capistrano in southern California. Every year the good townsfolk of San Juan Capistrano welcomed them back with an annual Swallows’ Day Parade with balloons and food trucks, politicians kissing babies and other festive events. And flocks of tourists would come and everybody was happy.

Was happy. For in 2009, the fabled swallows were no shows. A swallowless decade followed, during which folks at the mission tried unsuccessfully to lure their fickle feathered friends  back.

In 2016, swallow experts created faux nests attached to a large temporary wall in hopes that the birds would move in and eventually spill over and start using the actual mission structures. A couple of years ago, two real nests were discovered at the mission and several swallows were spotted in flight.  Swallow lovers hopes were riding high.

Hold your breath no longer.  They’re back!  And the villagers are happy once again, dancing round and round and singing “When the swallows come back to Capistrano . . .”

About That St. Josephs Day

Joseph was mostly known for being the father of Jesus  Not the actual father of course, but kind of a placeholder for someone else.  And the real father that Joseph was standing in for was, we are told, the big guy himself.  Or as some would say the one and only god. So Joseph, a carpenter and all around nice guy schmuck married the pregnant Mary to save her rep when the big guy asked him to.  Of course refusing an ask by the big guy might just be inviting a smiting.

When the Pigeons Come Back to China

Racing pigeons — win, place, show, poop on the judge’s car.
Known for their remarkable speed and  sense of direction,. They can fly up to 70 miles per hour and never have to stop and ask for directions.
Enter Armando.  Yes, a pigeon with a first name.  And a reputation.  Armando is the fastest pigeon in the world.  And people would welcome him back in a heartbeat.  As a matter of fact — take note you eagles and ospreys — an anonymous gentleman in China wanted him enough to pony up $1.4 million in an auction.  No more racing for Armando.  He’s going to be busy fathering hundreds of Armando Jrs.  And pooping wherever he wants.

The Swallows’ Retort

“When the Swallows Come Back to Capistrano” was written by Leon René and first recorded by The Ink Spots in 1940, reaching #4 on the charts.  It has been recorded by Glenn Miller, Xavier Cugat, Gene Krupa, Fred Waring, Guy Lombardo, Billy May, the Five Satins, Elvis Presley, and Pat Boone to name just a few.  How many people have recorded
“When the Pigeons Come Back to China”?

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